domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011

The Tudors...

-          Margaret: When you leave?
-          Charles Brandon: Tomorrow.
-          Margaret: You can’t.
-          Charles Brandon: Why can’t I ? I’ve discharged my duty. Why should I stay? You have a life to lead.

      It’s strange, but some men, who seem at the peak of health, who are still young and full of life, suddenly collapse and die. And by the same counter, some old men, whose bodies look worn out, whose race seems run… they can go for years. Don’t you think that’s strange?

-          Margaret: Do you tease me because it amuses you?
-          Charles Brandon: Why else?
-          Margaret: Because you love me.

2 comentarios:

  1. hi! thanx for your comment on my blog hehe. kisses xoxo

  2. Oh my God!!!!!!!!
    Siento no haberme pasado antes por aquí pero he estado unas semanas un poco ocupada, además el señor Blog tampoco me funcionaba muy bien... y ahora he encontrado un ratito también.

    My querido, querido, querido... queridíiismo Charles =) me salen las palabras.... woooooowwww!!!

    Margaret: Do you tease me because it amuses you?
    Charles : Why else?
    Margaret: Because you love me

    :D !!!
